Sunday: Rainy Day - CCTVNG'S BLOG

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Sunday: Rainy Day

It is a new day,today been sunday 24/9/2017 Rain suddenly start falling without a sign,its raining heavily since morning Around 6:AM everywhere in the street and in the main Road is filled with water,no where vehicle can follow to pass,no Road for people with feet to pass.

Some people going to church and work,can not even come out side in front of there building,the rain is still falling uptill now I manage goto work today,I really can't emerging my self going to work with this heavy rain dropping,keke mapep (marua) driver increase the price of the amount they collect to #50 to #100.

Still Passengers where rushing because some are already late for work,church,business they have no option than to pay the price mention to them by keke,danfo,drivers in Lagos,it is unfortunately that they use this opportunity to make more money from passengers.


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